After a year of working for
FUNfinder, I have been presented with an opportunity that I couldn't refuse. I am going to be working on the IBM
Hertz account through
Artech (I still get confused thinking about the logistics). I will basically be going back to doing what I was doing while at Hertz (with some added responsiblities due to changes in personell there), except I will now be doing it from 3 degrees of seperation.
This has been a blessing because I have always said that if I could have picked my job up in Oklahoma and moved it to Colorado Springs, I would be happy. Well, now I get that opportunity as a remote Web Hosting Systems Administrator, which roughly translated is, "A guy who helps keep Hertz's websites up while working from his home office". It is a bit sad, as many members of the awesome group I worked with while in Oklahoma have moved on, but there are still a few left that I will be joining.
Please pray as I make the transition over the next couple of weeks. This move will be beneficial for me career-wise and will provide a bit more stable enviroment for the entire family.